Black Sea National University, Ukraine

  • Ukraine

The Black Sea National University was founded in 1996 in Ukraine, and it was established with the vision of circulating liberal arts in western style and at the same time give out education with high caliber which would be as per international standards.

About Black Sea National University, Ukraine

Black Sea National University, Ukraine being of international standards achieved the title of National University which is the upper range of universities in higher educational system of Ukraine. The Black Sea area became an area of high economic importance after Ukraine achieved independence. Thus, in 1965, the university opened a branch called “Kyiv Mohyla Academy” which began training various professionals for the specialisation needs by teachers from the Ukrainian State Sea Technical University which was in association with the government.

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The university has achieved a name of high importance in the country although it’s not very old. It now holds very high reputation within the research community both nationally and internationally and is the most famous in the Southern part of the country. The university claimed a position of 24th out of 200 in international recognition by UNESCO and 40th position in overall ranking of Ukrainian universities. The university enrolls around 4000 students and has around 300 teachers teaching the students all year round.

Black Sea National University, Ukraine
Black Sea National University, Ukraine

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The university makes sures it puts up itself well internationally in order to collaborate with other foreign universities on specific goals and research projects, this ensures that it keeps up well to the international standardisation of education and teaching and at the same time making sure that it’s in the best quality. In order to make sure that the university is keeping well, the university has a strong foundation with several international bodies and universities from all over the world which keeps a regular quality assurance check.

The Black Sea National University achieved the dignitary of an autonomous state university in humanities, in 2002.


Institute of Medicine

Students Life

The Black Sea National University owns an art gallery. It exhibits ancient and noble traditions which are of importance to the Ukrainian culture. The University, first among the educational institutions of Mykolaiv, showcases the gallery of art, showing a conscious concern for aesthetic, spiritual growth of students in communicating with real works of art, spiritual culture, rather than with fakes which young popular culture often offers.

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That’s why for many years the gallery has been the center of communication of students, schoolchildren, all university employees, art lovers not only with artistic works, but with most creators, artists, masters of arts and crafts, sculpture, art photos and so on. The lifestyle of a student studying in Ukraine is full of active social life and travel to various places, which are something every student remembers for the of his/her life. The university has instituted and Black Sea National University has student unions which were formed to organize and enrich students’ social and academic lives.

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There are numerous different activities, contests, and cultural clubs on offer at local student communities. The university tries to present a very competitive environment for students by engaging them in fests, events, competitions which is both fun and productive for the students.


Your accommodations needs are of high priority once you land in Ukraine; you want to be sure that there is a proper living arrangement even before you leave your country. Black Sea National University offers a variety of accommodation options to suit your needs and can help you make the best choice for your situation. As part of their service to International Students, Black Sea National University is available to help you with your accommodation needs and will help you to settle down into your choice of hospitality.


The Library was established on July 1, 1996 and is a part of educational, informational, cultural and educational structural division of the Black Sea National University. The library makes sure that it meets the information needs of the faculty and the students of the university, at the same time providing with the best processes in research work and other learning needs. Departments of the library:

1. scientific and educational literature (Department of literature in foreign languages)

2. biblical information

3. acquisition and processing of scientific literature

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If you are a student, lecturer or employee of BSNU – you have the right to receive books and other information sources through subscription and reading room. You can find out more about readers support by reading the rules of the library of BSNU. You can find academic, reference books and textbooks, periodicals in the reading rooms of the library. Here you will find directories and file cabinets to help you find the necessary information.

FOOD & ACC (PER YR)(AprxINR) 1,20,000
Requirements Marks Sheets of 10th and 12th, Valid Passport, Healthy and Non-Criminal Record, Application and Photos.

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